Installation instructions

Make sure you have admin rights to your PC
Click the button below to download the setup file

Click Run to start the installation
The installation will check to see if you have .NET 3.5 already installed on your computer. If you don't have it, it will try to direct you to the Microsoft site to download it. Download it and then resart the iReplayIt installation by downloading it again
Trial mode allows you to save 5 songs per day for 5 days
To purchase simply click on the Help menu and then Register

Operating instructions

Launch iReplayIt
Go the "Song Folder" section and click on the folder icon and select the folder where you want to save the songs
Click the "Start Recording" button to start listening
Now launch the music players listed below.
Go to the direct player links below, right click and select open in New Tab. Repeat this step if you want to open multiple players

Links to music players that work with iReplayIt

Yahoo Radio
Yahoo Radio site
Link to launch the Yahoo player directly


Why is music not being captured by iReplayIt?

Songs will begin to appear in iReplayIt when the current song in the player finishes. If songs are not being captured, check the player to make sure the purple progress bar appears in the player (see below.) If you don't see the progress bar, try to reload the player or close the player and open a new one.


Why is my player falling asleep?

In an effort to control streaming fees paid to agencies that represent artists, record labels & publishers many companies that provide Internet music services, including Yahoo! Music and AOL Music, have activated a time-out feature. The music player will stop streaming (time-out) after one hour of inactivity. What this means is, if you launch the player, minimize it, then leave it untouched for one hour, the stream will stop until you either mouse over it or click the start button to resume streaming.

How do I prevent my player from falling asleep?

The music player will never fall asleep for active listeners. Simply mousing over the player will prevent the player from getting tired. With so many features available to interact with, there's little reason why the player would go unattended for over an hour!
